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Our answers to your questions

Job interview

Choosing a new employment agency is an important decision. The Hilaris Care team has compiled some of the most frequently asked questions and answers to help you make your decision. If there's something we haven't mentioned, just ask.

  • Is the Hilaris Care service really free for me?
    Yes, our service is 100% free! You decide whether the new facility suits you and decide whether to release your data.
  • Do I have to send application documents?
    No. You have the option to upload your documents. The application form can also be sent without.
  • Was bedeutet 100% anonym?
    Es deutet, dass deine Daten bei uns sicher sind und wir diese nur durch deine Freigabe an den Arbeitgeber weiterleiten. Vorab erhält der Arbeitgeber keine personenbezogene Daten, nur die Information über die Qualifikation, ob Vollzeit oder Teilzeit, Führerschein vorhanden ect.
  • Do I need an account? Where do I have to register?
    You only provide us with your data via the application form. You don't have to register with us.
  • How long does it take until I receive a job offer?
    This may vary from region to region. We mediate nationwide. In most cases within one to three days.
  • What if there are no open job openings at my location?
    If there are very few vacancies available at your location, we will pull out all the stops and search specifically just for you! There are no costs for you, this service is always free!
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